Showing posts with label security software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label security software. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

20% of Android Apps Grant 3rd Parties Access to Private/Sensitive Info, Study Says

Some 20 percent of applications in the Android market grant a third party application access to private or sensitive information that an attacker could use for malicious purposes such as identity theft, mobile banking fraud and corporate espionage, according to SMobile Systems.

About five percent of applications have the ability to place a call to any number, without requiring user intervention. Dozens of applications have the identical type of access to sensitive information as known spyware, while two percent of market submissions can allow an application to send unknown premium SMS messages without user intervention, SMobile Systems says, after analyzing more than 48,000 Android apps.

Nearly 10,000 Android applications give third party apps access to private or sensitive information, in total.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Open Source or Proprietary? Even Split

When functionality is equivalent, IT security professionals have an almost equal preference for deploying open source software (53 percent) as commercial software (47 percent), according to a recent survey of 228 security professionals by Barracuda Networks.

In the survey, 80 percent of respondents cited pricing as the top reason for adopting open source software over commercial software, while 57 percent selected access to source code and 41 percent chose community code review as the primary reasons for open source preference.

On the other hand, the survey found that the top reason for deploying commercial software was vendor professional services, at 65 percent, while 47 percent of respondents named ease of adoption in their organization and 47 percent said automated updates were key.

Better bug fixes are one open source advantage. So is access to the source code. Proprietary software, on the other hand, benefits from the perception that it will be easier to deploy and support over time. We can argue about how long that will continue to be true. There isn't much doubt that open source also is becoming part of the larger fabric of software offered by suppliers who historically have offered proprietary solutions.

All of which suggests that open source simply has become another tool to use, when it works and when it fits.

How Much Revenue Do AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Make from AI?

Aside from Nvidia, perhaps only the hyperscale cloud computing as a service suppliers already are making money from artificial intelligence ...